Join us

From base48

You might want to get in touch digitally first - Drop us a message through the IRC channel #base48. or subscribe yourself to our Mailing Lists.

Anyhow, the best way, how to join us is to join us :). Just come in and socialize a bit. See the instructions on how to get here and introduce yourself. This is required, so we can verify yours pure hacking intentions (: and give us a month (or five visits) to decide about accepting new member.

Don't be afraid if you are not talkative - everyone is welcome.

Joining our society involves paying a membership fee at Member Portal, which currently (2024) is 800 CZK (480 CZK for students) per month.

See the part "Becoming a Member" for instruction on what you need to do to become member and information on how to pay. We use this money to pay the rent for our space, to buy needed equipment and to support interesting projects, that would not be feasible otherwise. We "process" new membership requests on regular community meetings. It is good practice to inform some active old member / board member about your willing before the meeting.

Becoming a member

  • Register on
  • E-mail confirmation
  • Get ID for payments (Variable symbol for bank transfer)
  • Pay membership fee
  • Get approved by board
  • Arrange in person meeting with chairman of the board
  • Keys available only with chairman's approval

After some time in our community, you can join our society and you will be allowed to:

  • Participate and visit the space independently, use the hackerspace
  • Set up projects (always consult with board first)
  • Access servers (filesystem, VPN, IRC bouncers, etc.)
  • Add information about your projects to the wiki
  • Be part bigger decisions regarding our hackerspace

After joining:

  • You could/should attend regular voting sessions
  • Follow the style/guide of already existing parts of the system/organization

Dos and Don'ts:

  • Please do respect others
  • Keep your stuff stored in boxes in dedicated shelfs, clearly marked with your name
  • Always consult with a board storing anything bigger (not in boxes) or any changes in space itself
  • Always clean after yourself