General Meeting 2014-11-20 21:00

From base48


  • Present: merlyn, b42, cubz, HonzaH, XanthiX, arius, trendy, rmarko, hexo, shady
  • Need third member of council
    • arius volunteered and voted for unanimously
  • Issue of needlessly running electronic devices
    • Please turn off all electronic devices before leaving
    • Printers finishing prints are OK, as well as devices like RPi
    • Turn off laptops, desktops, heater, etc.
    • Just use common sense
  • Issue of bicycles in the way
    • Please don't leave your bike in the way
  • Bar in Pelech
    • Taking lot of space - remove it? keep it?
    • Keep it
    • Clean up in (ex)Pelech needed
  • Funding projects from common money
    • If you'd like to buy anything, write to the members mailing list & discuss it here
  • UPC invoices considered spam on members list
    • Action: create separate list for this purpose
  • Issue of mess on the tables
    • Proposed rule: If you spend at least an hour in the base, spend at least five minutes cleaning before you leave.
      • Vote: 6 for, 3 against, 1 withdrawn
  • Bike cart buyout
    • Owner of the bike cart that's in the base offers to sell it to us for 2000 CZK.
      • Vote: 5 buy for 2k, 4 buy for lower price, 1 don't buy
    • Decision: ask for lower price, if unacceptable then buy it for 2000 CZK
  • Issue of way too much bikes in the bike room
    • Plan: buy more Ikea boxes & take some of the bikes apart
  • Transformation to z.s.
    • Is in progress
    • Need to obtain couple of documents which is PITA but in theory not a problem
  • RS components
    • Don't want to process our order
    • Send them plastic cock (made of ebola) or something
  • Electronic lock
    • Agreed that we should have one but no one steps up to take care of it
  • Transforming Pelech into social room
    • Loads of bottles
      • merlyn will write to limoteka if they want some of them back
      • othewise we'll recycle them
    • Shelves
      • Anyone willing can make shelves, don't ask
  • cubz hands over following documents to merlyn
    • Smlouva o nájmu nebytových prostor
    • Stanovy
    • Návrh na registraci o.s. Underground o.s.