
From base48
Revision as of 18:17, 27 February 2024 by Wiki (talk | contribs)

Hackerspace Comunity

A hackerspace (hacklab, hackspace, or makerspace) is a community-operated, not-for-profit workspace where people with common interests, such as computers, electronics, technology, science, digital art, or crafts, can meet, socialize, and collaborate. Hackerspaces can be viewed as open community labs incorporating elements of machine shops, workshops, and/or studios where hackers can come together to share resources and knowledge to build and make things. Foremost it is a community focused on equally minded people. Hackerspace


Base48 is a hackerspace in Brno, Czech Republic. We are nonprofit organization located in Kralovo pole with some 300m2 of space for creating interesting projects or just connecting with same minded people.


Scope of our hackerspace

  • Workshop (for metal and wood)
  • Basic and some power tools
  • Electronics lab
  • 3D printing lab
  • Pottery atelier
  • Open space workstations
  • Chill-out zone
  • Open kitchen / Garden with grill


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See the

Why 48?

Why the number 48/0x30/0b00110000? Because the previous space that we used was at Čápkova 48. And because with other numbers like base64 we would have problems being found by people searching for us on google :)

Join Us

You might want to get in touch digitally first. Subscribe yourself to our Public Mailing Lists or drop us a message through the IRC channel #base48 @ irc.libera.chat.

Anyhow, the best way, how to join us is to join us :). Just come in and socialize a bit. See the instructions on how to get here and introduce yourself. This is required, so we can verify yours pure hacking intentions (:

Don't be afraid if you are not talkative - everyone is welcome.

Joining our society involves paying a membership fee, that is currently 800 CZK (480 CZK for students) per month. See Join us - Become a member for what you need to do to become member and on information how to pay. We use this money to pay the rent for our space, to buy needed equipment and to support interesting projects, that would not be feasible otherwise. We "process" new membership requests on regular community meetings. It is good practice to inform some active old member / board member about your willing before the meeting.


Old read-only wiki dump

Old wiki here!